Name: Lexi Sommer
Location: Washington, USA
Member since: July 2023
What do you love most about the card swap?
I love being able to connect with people who have a better understanding of what life is like for me, being chronically ill is so isolating and the card swap takes some of that away. I also like being able to focus on encouraging other people and learning about them. The swap gives me something to look forward to putting together every month and I enjoy making the cards I send out when energy permits.
Primary Diagnoses
POTS, CFS/ME, IBS, Narcolepsy
Social Media Link Instagram: @bringinlexibak
Fun facts about you
1) I love reading, (audiobooks are my friend right now) and my favorites are mystery/thrillers, fantasy, rom-com and historical fiction.
2) Single mama to the funniest and snuggliest 4yo.
3) I have 2 dogs, Navi and Mochi and their cuddles get me through on the worst days.
4) When I have the energy I love baking and cooking as well. Stepping out into some new situations in the new year which feel a little scary but will be so good for my mental and physical health!
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